If You’re Still An Anti-Gay, Hell Preaching, Conservative Evangelical, Trump Supporting Christian

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Jesus guided our discernment of people and the core of their beliefs by instructing us to observe the fruits they produce. In His mind, this is an important endeavor that is not intrinsically unkind or unloving, but wise.

With all the current scholarship that reveals biblically faithful ways of understanding and interpreting the Scriptures away from condemning and demonizing the LGBTQ community. With all the historical and biblical insight that gives faithful interpretive alternatives to subscribing to a hell of eternal torture and a vicious god who allows it. With all the blatant hypocrisy, greed, discrimination, condemnation, bullying, and power-seeking evil that oozes out of the pores of much of right wing conservative Evangelical Christianity. With the ever-growing litany of childish, immoral, arrogant, repulsive, racist, bigoted, elitist, greedy, and anti-Jesus actions and decisions of President Trump, it is clear you have made an intentional calculated choice in what you believe, your associations, and where your heart truly resides.

Declaring the LGBTQ community to be living in sin, though there is strong biblical evidence to the contrary. Twisting God into a monster that finds justice and holiness in sending people to an eternal hell of unimaginable torture while there is clear biblical and historical evidence to conclude quite the opposite. Partnering and associating with a faith system that has been an undeniable perpetuator of some of the most evil manifestations on the earth—war, violence, discrimination, and greed—to name a few. Supporting a President who would deny healthcare to millions, revels in “grabbing pussy,” exploits the vulnerable, pounds the drums of war, waffles on denouncing white supremacy, uses Twitter to bully his disagreers like a middle schooler, and couldn’t pass the screening process to serve in the nursery of your church. If this is the side of history you are determined to stand upon. If these are the flags upon which you pledge your allegiance. If these are the creeds to which you anchor your convictions, then no matter the goodness of your heart or intentions, there’s some sure things one can know about you with a scale-tipping measure of certainty.

Let’s be clear, the days are long over for deflecting the people who draw these conclusions and declaring them to be unfair and unfounded. For this is what it actually means, these are the real ramifications, and these are the undeniable dominoes that fall as a result of your faith choices. If you don’t like it, denounce it and walk away.

Until then, if you’re still an anti-gay, hell preaching, conservative Evangelical, Trump supporting Christian, don’t be surprised when these are the things good intelligent people surmise—including many of us who love Jesus.

With an alarming propensity, you are capable of using your faith understanding to spiritually justify the hate, harm, death, discrimination, and condemnation of people. For if you can and are determined to believe in a god who created, sustains, and allows a hell of unyielding eternal torture for people who don’t love Him back in return and believe precisely as you do, then yours is a highly increased capacity to translate that same violence, harm, and spiritually justified hate into the attitudes and actions of your faith. So much of how we carry ourselves and the trajectory of our lives is a direct result of our views of God. If you believe in a god who self-identifies as Love while torturing the objects of His love in the eternal flames of hell, then don’t be surprised when people discern that you could do likewise: spiritually, emotionally, and physically—all in the name of Jesus and Love. In fact, some would suggest, this is exactly what your conservative Evangelical faith system already excels at manifesting.

You are willing to lean on your own understanding of the Scriptures to the detriment and destruction of other people. Even in the midst of the glaring reality that there are over 30,000 different Christian denominations of people who read the same Bible but come to vastly different conclusions, you still resist, with every fiber of your being, genuinely entertaining the notion, “maybe I’m wrong.” While the very same Bible you worship admonishes you to never “lean on your own understanding,” you seem all the more determined to canonize your interpretations as being divinely sanctioned. As Transgender people commit suicide, parents disown their gay children, an entire community of God-adored people are condemned to be living in sin, LGBTQ people are fired from their jobs, assaulted, and demonized, women are discriminated against in home, church, and society, and those who fall short of spiritual expectations are often distanced, disowned, and sentenced to live lives of loneliness and depression, you still yet embody the callous arrogance to pronounce your interpretations of the Scriptures as being divinely definitive and beyond the realm of your reexamination—evil fruits and all.

You are far more committed and faithful to a system of faith than to the Savior of it. One need not look any further than to the life, example, and teachings of Jesus to see how far much of your conservative Evangelical faith system diverges from the heart and ways of the Savior. Unconditional love, service, sacrifice, generosity, human equality, compassion, Grace, and solidarity with the “least of these” seem all but non existent. The only time Jesus is recorded in Scripture as specifically being angry was during two instances where people were withholding Grace from the vulnerable and religiously oppressed. Yet, what we often hear from your conservative Evangelical system of faith is a continuous calling to be angry at everything but the lack of manifested and expressed Grace to those discarded and marginalized. At times, it feels like the teachings of Jesus in the Beatitudes and beyond have been deemed as accessories to your faith understanding and perhaps even discarded as being irrelevant altogether. How is one to believe that the centerpiece of your faith is truly Jesus the Christ when so much of what comes forth from your actions and aspirations is nothing like Him?

Your ultimate goal is the acquisition of self-serving power that prospers you, your ideology, and your dominance in society. Why else would you embrace all the twisted rationalizations required to align your faith with a President such as this? Why else would the emergence of true equality for all humanity feel like war to you? Why else would standing in fierce solidarity with the religiously broken and oppressed be met with your vehement disapproval? It seems like in every arena of society, you’re pushing for your position, privilege, and prominence over others. You say it’s all about Jesus, but it feels like it’s all about you. I just don’t see where Jesus was or ever is in the business of conquering, demanding, nationalizing, franchising, forcing, legislating, and insisting on His ways—anywhere with anyone. No, what I see is Him crucified in divine defiance of many of the same values, methods, and priorities your system of faith exudes, enables, and fosters.

Listen, with all due respect and love, you can’t get your panties in a wad anymore when people connect the dots of your conservative Evangelical faith system and see pictures of evil. The cats out of the bag. You aren’t an anti-gay, hell preaching, conservative Evangelical, and Trump supporting Christian because you “have” to be, you are so because you “want” to be.

Which is reason enough for the entire world to be skeptical, distrusting, disturbed, and flat-out alarmed.

Grace is brave. Be brave.


  1. Kirk Leavens

    Powerful stuff. Thank you. Your assessment of the current neo fundamentalism that believes in an inerrant faith system rather than the person our faith should be focused on is spot-on.

    • ckratzer

      Thanks so much Kirk, sure do appreciate you reading and taking the time to comment!


    Your next to last paragraph is spot on, BECAUSE I WANT TO BE. I am so glad that I don’t have to satisfy your beliefs and rants. You are enjoying your rewards on earth, it plain to see.

    • ckratzer

      Well, at least you’re honest Kenneth, that’s refreshing.

  3. Tony Cutty

    “…spiritually justified hate…” – now, that is a kind of hate that should never apply to those professing a Christian spirituality. But you’re right. It exists, for sure.

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