No, We’re Not Denying God

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You say we’re denying God, that we have rebelled and walked away. It so easily rolls off your lips. A go-to response against the things and people you seem to detest.

What you’ll never admit. The truth you’ll never face is that we’re not denying God, we’re simply denying you.

We’re walking away from a faith that makes us less like Jesus. A faith that hurts where it should heal and condemns where it should affirm. A faith that judges the world and excuses itself, instead of judging itself and seeing the good in the world.  A faith built on the pursuit of power over others instead of pursuing love and the humble serving of all humanity.

We’re not denying God, we’re just not following you.

We refuse to prequalify people for love. To live life on self-righteous terms. To exploit the vulnerable. To marginalize the different. To give safe harbor to racism and white supremacy. To serve barbaric systems of power-driven patriarchy. To bow to a spiritual narcissism that weaponizes the Bible, justifies your sin while condemning others, and turns God into a monster who seems to live only under the beds of those you deem to be the enemy.

You say we’re denying God. Nope, we’re just denying you.

We’re tired of playing church, and stacking the spiritual deck against the world on behalf of our benefit. We’re tired of “thoughts and prayers” that lack genuine care. We’re tired of a “pro-life” that is really just pro-your-life. We’re tired of prayer formulas, to-do steps, and a monsterous conditional god who is codependent on humanity to act so that He can.

So, perhaps stop blaming our lack of faith, and take a good look at the evil within yours.

Cause we’re not denying God, we’re simply denying you.


Grace is brave. Be brave.


Check out Chris’ latest book, Stupid Shit Heard In Church available on Amazon (link below)…

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  1. William Nisbet

    Kris when you say ‘ You say….’ who are the ‘you’?
    Andwhen you say ‘We’re….’ who are the ‘we’?
    Kind regards

    • ckratzer

      I think the reader could probably put in their own subjects, as long as they match the descriptions in the article.

      • Steve the Searcher

        Chris, I know exactly who you’re talking to. It’s the Christians who make those sorts of comments. They are what’s driving many of us from the religion, not any god.

        • ckratzer


  2. Bill Guill

    Chris: Once again, you have hit the nail squarely on the head. Good for you, and please keep it up! I hope you don’t mind, however, I have copied it and pasted it into my own FB page for friends, once more, with the added comment that “John Lennon was right. Religion needs to die, and be done away with, for good.” I am not anti-faith, but I am DEFINITELY “anti-religion”!!! Thanks again for all your hard work, and dedication to bringing a healing message to a world hungry for truth.

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