Why Trump’s Speech To Congress Should Scare The Crap Out Of You

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On Tuesday evening, President Trump gave his first solo speech to Congress. To be sure, speeches are important as are congressional gatherings.

However, what is drastically more important and far more telling than speeches and tender political moments is our response to them—many conservatives, orgasmically licking their chops of jubilation upon Trump’s teleprompted performance. “Now that’s my president!” “It’s Trump 2.0,” “This is the best speech ever given before Congress.”

I was not only unimpressed, but mortified—fearing we have all slipped even deeper into the diabolic “art of the deal.”

For it should be a sad and horrifying day when, in our country, we elect a person as president only to jump for joy when weeks later, based on a speech, he is determined to finally and all the sudden be presidential. Seriously? Are we hearing ourselves? Shouldn’t that have happened a really long time ago? Besides, are speeches now the litmus test to what makes one presidential? I thought “grabbing pussy” was the new norm.

As much as I am trying to look on the bright side, where am I to go from this freakish circus show? I’m trying to give it time, I really am, but if I look towards his actions, the clown appears. If I look towards what he says, the clown appears. Somebody, wake us all up to this nightmare we’re being sold as the American dream—before it’s too late.

It feels like as a nation, we have tragically become the abused, enabling, and codependent spouse who repeatedly falls for flowery speeches, rhetoric, appearances, and empty promises that things “will be great” and the abuser has changed their ways. Have we sunk so low that we actually become delighted and relieved when a person of authority and leadership actually gives signs of having basic levels of decency? That’s not presidential, that’s just coming up to the level of being remotely human.

We have spent far too long blindly giving credence and weight to seductive voices with pricey lifestyles, fame, allure, and wallets. Our narcissism as a nation has postured us for exploitation, especially from among the religiously conservative. Like an alcoholic who knows they have a problem but can’t help themselves away from the Scotch, many have become addicted to whatever new cocktail serves their ideological and personal agendas. What used to be a Statue of Liberty standing as a promise and hope for the “least of these” has become a self-centered, political stripper pole of rationalization, purposed on serving the power of the privileged—scheming to seduce us all into seeing the substandard, abusive, and evil as being standard, healthy, and of God. If only we could see ourselves and the people we have become. 

No, I’m not trying to take anything away from the speech writers or the important moments of Tuesday evening. However, you know you are in bed with the devil when you are so desperate for moments that you can latch onto that serve to convince yourself that you aren’t.

That my friend, is a sure sign of a delusion that should haunt everyone of us.

Grace is brave. Be brave.


  1. Dana

    You have given words to my feelings. Thank you.

    • ckratzer

      Amen Dana! Thank you!

  2. Gale Green

    My insides cringed with almost every sentence of the President’s speech. Chills went down my spine with others. I wanted to shake the American people and say “wake up! wake up! don’t you see how you’re being sweet-talked?” Thank you for speaking out for so many of us. My question is, what do we do now? Is there anything else we can do besides pray? I’ve often said, “prayer is not our last resort, it is our best recourse.” But I feel so impotent, and yet I want to be brave. Do we need a Moses to unify and lead our side?

    • ckratzer

      Gale, I wish I had an easy answer. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  3. Connie Hansen

    As Dana said , you have given words to my feelings and thoughts. Thanks.

    Oh. Loved this part:
    What used to be a Statue of Liberty standing as a promise and hope for the “least of these” has become a self-centered, political stripper pole of rationalization, purposed on serving the power of the privileged—scheming to seduce us all into seeing the substandard, abusive, and evil as being standard, healthy, and of God.

    • ckratzer

      Thank you Connie, someone has gotta say it. 🙂

  4. Connie Hansen

    Oh. Loved this part:
    What used to be a Statue of Liberty standing as a promise and hope for the “least of these” has become a self-centered, political stripper pole of rationalization, purposed on serving the power of the privileged—scheming to seduce us all into seeing the substandard, abusive, and evil as being standard, healthy, and of God.

  5. Arthur

    Turned the channel when by 15 minutes in I had documented two lies.

    • ckratzer

      I understand.

  6. Evangeline

    Chris, I was getting worried that I was alone in my thoughts about that freakish speech. I actually found myself wondering if the whole pandering to Mrs. Owens wasn’t a staged gig…and I don’t say this lightly. I think Owens’ death was a tragedy, but thought it was in poor taste for the president to use his senseless death as a way for America to see Donald Trump in a sweeter light. I turned on the television a little late to see the beginning, but felt like I had wandered into a creepy fun house dream at a really gauche carnival. So yes, I was mortified.

    • A Cartwright

      I agree. After all, Trump’s ill-considered action was the direct cause of the man’s death.

  7. Will Smith, MS

    Thanks, Chris….I commended him for not ranting, mostly the facts weren’t true or well stretched…Will.

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