I’m White, Christian, Heterosexual, Privileged and Ashamed

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There are moments in life where a truth can be so impacting it changes you forever—unhinging, transforming, and recalibrating nearly everything you once understood and believed.

I used to be a conservative, Evangelical, homophobic, sexist, racist, judgmental and spiritually arrogant pastor and person. In nearly every way, I was much the opposite of all that I am, hope to be, and stand for today. No, I didn’t have a child that came out as being gay or some moral failure or personal crisis that shook my foundations. The reversal of my heart and mind, and the dethroning of my bigotry, hate, privilege, and conservatism came solely from being confronted by the true nature of God, the pure message of Jesus, and the revelation of His heart and mind towards all humanity.

To think that I saw color where there is none to see—a choice in sexual orientation where there is no choice to be. To think that gender ever mattered in calling, gifting, or creed—seeing women as some lessor form of a human being. To think that I condemned in the name of Jesus where there was no Jesus condemning—ignorant of my white privilege that blinded my perspective and deafened me to the real voices crying around me. To think that I loved with restrictions, restraint, and conditions—believed I had exclusive possession of all that is Truth to the exclusion of any other perspective or position. To think that I embraced a life and faith lacking in true compassion—leaving God-imaged people marginalized, discriminated, abused, alone, and undefended. To think that I lived and proclaimed it all as faith, faithfulness, and the way, Truth, and life—I am ashamed. Not just ashamed—disgusted.

Look around.

Look at what many of us white, Christian, heterosexual, and privileged people have largely become—not all of us, but many—not always intentionally, but in sure reality. The Jesus-grieving sins of racism, sexism, discrimination, legalism, elitism, and condemnation are increasingly normalized, and even spiritualized as faithfulness. We have elected a childish, pussy-grabbing, womanizing, immoral, misogynistic, and xenophobic president—touting him as a kind of God-appointed savior of our country. Where our nationalistic, social, and political pursuits clearly conflict with the ways of Jesus, not to mention basic human ethics and morality, we conveniently turn a blind eye, and all of a sudden the “clear teachings of the Bible” aren’t so clear anymore and the compartmentalization of our faith becomes a worthy and important practice—smoke and mirrors were never so smokey and distracting. Still to this day, we harbor racism, act on it, and even spiritual justify it, not to mention sexism—all while ironically declaring ourselves to be the well from which genuine spiritual maturity flows. We can’t even stop the religious machine we have created long enough to seek true understanding in what it’s really like to not be white-skinned, heterosexual, Christian, privileged, or male—if only we knew how to listen as well as we know how to lean on and worship our own understandings. When a transgender person commits suicide at the hands of Christian condemnation, it’s like we don’t even pump the breaks or give a thought to reevaluating our faith understanding or position—arrogantly convinced we hold all the keys. Everyone else is always wrong and we are always right. Everyone else’s sin is destined for hell and ours is magically forgiven—thank God we believed the right things, said the right prayers, and made the right changes. Aren’t we all just so special.

While perhaps you are feeling oh-so special, I am feeling oh-so ashamed.

In fact, if this is what it means to be white, I don’t want to be “white” anymore.

If this is what it means to be Christian, I don’t want to be seen as “Christian” anymore.

If this is what it means to be heterosexual, privileged, or even American—you can have it all.

For Jesus flips the tables yet again, revealing that we, in our undeniable worship of being white, heterosexual, Christian, American, and privileged are actuality the ones who have become the deplorable abomination. The finger pointers and speck removers are once again revealed to be the log possessors whose preoccupation with changing the world for Christ has left us tragically unaware of our own Christ-less soul.

Against this I must stand, turning shame for all that I had believed wrongly about God, Jesus, and people into an unstoppable solidarity with all that God has created good, beautiful, whole, and affirmed.

This is my resistance, this is my manifesto.

In the footsteps of Jesus, I’m a human that affirms all humans.

I’m a white man who sees as equal every shade of color and gender.

I’m a heterosexual that affirms every other kind of “sexual” rooted in honesty, love, and committed relationship.

I gladly surrender my privilege and tear off the “Christian” name tag.

I will no longer join hands nor heart with a faith understanding that fights against so much of what Jesus embraces.

I refuse to love, accept, and affirm any less than God who is pure Love, affirms, accepts, and loves me.

For I am no better than any other—only different.

This is true of all people.

Grace and Truth has made it so.

All are loved, equally and beautifully made—each a masterpiece, eternally valued and secured.

I will be forever brave on behalf of the “least of these,” proudly counting myself as equal among them, and manifest the delight of Jesus who is eternally proud to live, serve, sacrifice, and call them friend—as am I.

Ashamed, I am no less. Brave, I am, all the more.

Grace is brave.  Be Brave.


  1. Perry Mullis

    Now, YOU SIR, Chris, are a GENTLEMAN I can RESPECT & ADMIRE. Perry

    • ckratzer

      Thank you Perry!

  2. Gale Green

    White, Christian, heterosexual,
    “no better than any other. . . ” etc. I’m not saying this hatefully, or sarcastically, but I note in all your renouncing of things you don’t want to associate with anymore, things you’re ashamed of, your white male privilege is showing!!
    You have totally and completely left out $$$. Would Jesus? Did Jesus? You have nice stuff, home, family, clothes, car(s?), take vacations. . . . You identify all . . . .except with the poor, the old, the invisible. There was a Man who had no place to lay his head, no home, you get the idea. I don’t think you need to physically identify with all that, but at least please acknowledge those of us who are old, and who wants to listen to us anymore, eh? Those of us who are poor. . . barely scraping by on limited S.S. income, but still give away food to those among us in need, share our old vehicles with those whose older vehicles have quit running. Those of us who haven’t had a real vacation in who knows how long, maybe forever, from life that tries every day to drag us down. . . .
    Just sayin. . . . .

    • ckratzer

      Gale, I am deeply saddened to see that apparently you assume to know my heart. There are many things that I did not specifically mention in the article that fall under the category of the less fortunate. I did not specifically mention refugees, orphans, or the aborted, yet I have adopted two orphans at extreme financial sacrifice. I would have had to written a book to include all the people who could fall under the categories of “the least of these.” This term “the least of these,” that Jesus used, I also used at the end of my article to include in my solidarity ALL who are in less fortunate circumstances of every kind. In fact, Jesus did not specifically mention caring for orphans in his earthly ministry, are you going to also accuse him of “privilege?” To condemn me as not identifying with the poor is unfair, hurtful, and irresponsible and reading into this article your own bias and assumptions.

  3. Perry Mullis

    Gale, let’s give Chris a little credit for stepping into the direction of compassion & grace.

    I am NOT attacking you, by any means. Until a disabling car accident with subsequent surgeries, I had been an advanced RN for about 30 yrs. But, now wanting to serve, I am working toward Chaplaincy…for Hospice? So, I absolutely agree that the elderly are FAR TOO OFTEN slighted in our society. Your point well taken and certainly supported by me.

    However, I ADMIRE Chris for not being afraid to speak his mind & heart. I’ve heard similar sentiments from my fellow local church members, now even hesitant to call themselves Christians. Gale, I, and I’m sure Chris, too, embrace you in my heart. We each can do something, but not everything. Raise your voice, Gale! Join Chris, and many others, to raise this consciousness or spirit. Perry

    • Gale Green

      Dear Chris, and Perry;
      You’re absolutely right, and I apologize sincerely (with tears that I caused you hurt). The thickness of biases built up into my thinking have had a good knock off their shelf. I was lumping you in with so many ‘successful’ lucrative ‘evangelists’ which you do NOT AT ALL fit into their M.O.–not meaning at all to ‘assume’ or ‘presume’ your heart. I guarantee I will think more deeply, pray for more insight, and be extremely careful not to knee-jerk and shoot off my mouth from here on!! Thank you for your empathetic, and genuine response. Both of you. I DO link heart and arms with you in the move toward citizenship in the nation of Grace!! You, Chris, are a beacon of clear light in the darkness of so many churches and “Christians”. I am on your side. I, too, talk of grace often to my other disenfranchised ‘Christian’ friends, but I sure fell spat on my face on this one! Again, please forgive, and accept me as one who loves Jesus deeply and walks with you in heart.

      • Perry Mullis

        Gale, we’re ALL human. Grace includes forgiveness. But, I, personally didn’t take anything as offensive nor intended anything that way. Bless YOU! OK, getting back on the road; driving from Atlanta to our home in the North GA Mountains. Perry

      • ckratzer

        Gale, I completely understand. No worries! All is grace.

        • Gale Green

          Dear Chris and Perry;
          After the success of Ken Burns’ documentary “Lewis & Clark”, he was asked: Of all your research, reading, exploring of the history of this expedition, what sticks with you the most? He replied: In the journals of (Lewis? Clark?) there were many days, many. . . when page after page, all that was recorded were these 4 words: “And we proceeded on.”
          And so we do. Good to have yall’s company on the road.

  4. Perry Mullis

    Gale, YOU are my new friend. I feel ‘privileged’ to have met you! Perry

    P.S. We’re home now with our 2 new children: two 8 week old male White German Shepherds, “Sawyer” & “Finn.” Despite all the world’s angst, Thomas & I MAKE TIME to take in happiness and the preciousness of life.

    • Gale Green

      Blessings to you Perry, I consider you a new friend, as well. SO glad to have ‘met’ you. And how blessed you are to have Thomas in your life, and 2 new kids!!
      Still waiting on my life partner to appear. . .or somehow for God to cause our paths to cross. Meantime, my 2 cats and I ‘proceed on.’

  5. Done with Religion

    Thanks Chris for this article. I am glad you pointed out that not all are like this, although seems like the majority fit the bill. I have to agree with you on what you wrote. So many times while in the institutional church we saw such anger, hatred, unacceptance, judgment and condemnation. Again, not all churches or all christians are like this. There are many who truly see things as you mentioned and are letting the love of God work through them to love and accept all people. Yet it saddens me to know that the norm is more like you described. It is time to look past our differences, forget thinking any political party or politician is going to be the answer, stop separating ourselves based on doctrine, denomination or the basic race, gender, nationality, religion or no religion, sexual orientation, rich, poor or anything you can think of that separates. We need to focus on being the Church. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit and Jesus is the head, so we should be doing the works of Jesus. Loving, accepting, encouraging, comforting and respecting all people no matter who they are or what they believe.

    • ckratzer

      Done With Religion, thank you so much for your comments, I so appreciate your encouraging words. You speak with much wisdom!

  6. Anita

    My husband went through the exact same change. He was born in a small segregated town in rural Western Tennessee. He belonged to the tea party and even became a poll watcher because “they” were committing voter fraud.
    However, like you. he changed. He started going to church again. At first just because I wanted to go but then , his heart was opened to God’s word. And in that word he found that all he had believed was wrong. He then started reading unbiased news and not just listening to snippets carefully crafted to brainwash
    The devil is good with social media. And also realized, that although he was brought up in the church. The lessons he learned in that particular atmosphere and at home, were not what God intended. Heaven is not made up of like thinking and looking individuals. That God is father to everyone. Since his change and our move from that environment, he tells me he has never known such peace and happiness. Thank you for this article..

    • ckratzer

      Anita, so thankful for you to read this article and take the time to respond with such a powerful story! Amen to everything you said! 🙂 I hope we can stay connected! Find me on fb if you are on there. 🙂

    • Sara Stitt

      Your post made me so happy today. Thank you.

      • ckratzer

        Thanks Sara, so appreciate you taking the time to read and comment.

  7. Ed

    I could have written this article but I lack the cohesive writing skills of the author. I thank God for opening the opportunity to allow me to leave the fundamentalist ministry and join a progressive church that practices radical hospitality.
    The only item I do not agree with is giving up the label of “Christian”. I will fight to restore the word to its proper place because it encompasses all that our Savior is.

    • ckratzer

      Well said Ed, I’m with you 100%, thanks for reading the article and taking time to comment!

      • Ed

        It has been very cleansing to stand in front of an LGBTQ group of people and ask for forgiveness. It has been humbling to also ask forgiveness from many people of color for my lack of compassion engrained in my privilege. To the homeless, the poor, the sick, women, transgender, and on and on, I seek forgiveness and an invitation into their world.
        But the most beautiful outcome of this Spirit-led transformation is you actually do stop seeing people’s labels and begin seeing them as God’s blessed children.

        • ckratzer

          Amen Ed, so honored to know you and hear for heart!

  8. Heather

    Thank you thank you thank yoy for sharing this. This is what my spirit has been SCREAMING. I relate with every word except that I’m a woman. I have been condemned by my own family, many friends, and some in my own church. I have been called wrong by these prople and felt so alone. I am so thankful that there are other Christlike men and women who turnn to their Bibles instead of the talking heads on the right-winged networks or ‘Christian’ tv. Be strong my brother! Thank you for taking my hand with your words, “Rise up, you are not alone, sister.”

    • ckratzer

      Heather, thanks so much for your inspiring comments! Such an honor to receive this comment and for you to take the time to share it!

  9. Marla

    VERY GRATEFUL to call ou my sister in Christ! We Must fight on for His TRUE message of Love First!

    • ckratzer

      Hey Marla, thanks for the nice comment! However, I am actually a dude. 🙂

  10. MW

    Very well-written. Your humility is part of your faith and I admire that. I hope you don’t continue to beat yourself up any further and that you can turn this “Road to Damascus” experience to help lift up those you used to judge. You sound like just the person who would do just that!

    The Peace of Christ be with You!

    • ckratzer

      Thank you MW, I will always regret the views I used to hold, but stand today as a new person with a new perspective!

      • Perry Mullis

        So, Chris, can you pinpoint your pivotal point of redemption? To what do you attribute your change of heart? Perry

  11. Matt Gross

    Thank you.

    I’ve been saying this for awhile and though I get acceptance by some I get just as much if not more opposition. (Unfortunately the opposition comes from my fellow Christian friends and family). Seems the current trend, (maybe not so current), is to put saving souls above love. There is a need to focus more on doctrine, whether to defend or preach, than to love. It has been a long time since I felt or seen the love of Jesus in the world around me and it has only been accentuated with this administration.

    People would do good to step out of their box and maybe they’ll take God out of the box as well.

    • ckratzer

      Matt, thank you for this comment and for reading my article. Well said!

  12. Andrea J. MacDonald

    I have been looking for a pastor who thinks like this since I was a kid. I have always sensed the hypocrisy of most churches preaching Jesus but promoting the right. It never felt like home, just like propaganda, I just never knew how to describe it. I turned my back on the church, but held on, albeit loosely to Christ. I’ve been wanting to go back to church, but one that thinks and believes like you. I’m a lamb looking for her true flock.

    • ckratzer

      Andrea, thanks so much for reading and taking the time to share your reflections. You are not alone, I hope we can stay connected. If we aren’t alreasy, lets be friends on fb. Love and peace to you!

    • Gale Green

      Dear Andrea;
      I’m so glad you hung on, however loosely. . .and that you are now connected with this flock. I’m very new myself, having been hurt many times by the church, tho I’ve stayed connected. (MANY long stories there!) But, for now, I just wanted to welcome you, and let you know, Yes, there are true Christ-followers who seek to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God and others. Welcome home, there’s always a place at the table for you, here.

  13. Sean Riley

    I am not ashamed however I will admit two having been quite naive as a white male. I have experienced this change in my life as well.

  14. D'C'A'


    • MW

      There’s really need to mock Chris or go on the attack. If we look at what he’s saying, he is simply rejecting what Jesus himself rejected: hatred, pride, and being judgmental among other traits. Unfortunately there are churches that don’t openly reject those traits or through their silence or passiveness, implicitly condone them.

      There is no perfect church or perfect faith, but if a person sees traits of one she sees that clearly are not aligned with Jesus and it has no intention of changing, he owes it to herself to leave. That’s what Chris did.

  15. Carol

    You seem to believe real love is somehow missing from the Church that offers the Cross and it’s version of love. You are trying to be liked and affirmed by the world and contorting it(Christ’s love and commandments of sacrificial love) to rationalize a dishonest contention that in order to have real love, you must accept and embrace death cult deconstruction. You resemble little of the Church that dies for the sake of a saving, eternal and powerful love-tge ONLY one that can overturn death.

    • ckratzer

      Thanks Carol, glad you enjoyed the article.

      • Perry Mullis

        Hi Carol. Just want you know that I’ll say a prayer for you today in my endeared Episcopalian Church. We are extremely devout Christians. In the Episcopalian faith, we believe that Jesus already saved us on the Cross…so, there’s no need for further grandizing such salvation by walking down an aisle to exclaim that one is “Saved”. That salvation was the original Christmas gift of JESUS to the world. The opportunity is to accept that already given salvation and try to live a life of Grace in worship to our Savior….not judgement, condemnation, nor perfection. We can live out that Grace in our daily lives, not necessarily in the Church. But, we, here at home, absolutely love & ADORE our Episcopalian Church community or family of love & Grace.

        We, Thomas & I, are extremely devout liberal, progressive CHRISTIANS. For over 30 yrs I was a master’s prepared Registered Nurse, working in Critical Care, Cancer Nursing, Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Hospice, and was even Atlanta’s first AIDS Nurse Specialist. I’ve taken care of people with Leprosy, TB, etc. I’m not afraid. I know who walks with me. Yes, I’ve witnessed some of God”s miracles. My job was to express God’s love through my hands. No longer able to be a Nurse, I am pursuing Chaplaincy…because I’m ‘Called’ to continue serving.

        I agree with Chris that some mind-sets and variations of ‘ the Church’ have gone astray from the teachings of JESUS. Actually, a basic tenet of “Progressive Christianity” is to get back to the actual teachings of JESUS. Paul’s letters, and even Revelation, tells us about the inherent evils that ‘can’ occur in ‘the Church.’ Chris is not saying anything different.

        FYI, Thomas & I are a committed GAY couple and active in our church.

        Our Blessings for your faith & love,

        • Michelle Hurwitz


          Please note this is not meant as a personal attack, just a take on what I believe in. I truly hope you do not feel offended.

          Dare I say Jesus is not a “progressive” therefore is there can be no such thing in Christianity. It is based on a divine doctrine from over 2000 years ago which has never changed. That is the gift of God that He cannot be conformed to our liking otherwise he is some sort of fantasy super hero.

          I respect that not all believe in original doctrine of Jesus that is the Catholic faith. Protestants threw out what they didn’t like about Catholicism. You call that progressive, I call that false doctrine.

          Glory be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ALWAYS will be.

          BTW, God bless you for your merciful work in helping the suffering. I am sure you have seen the true face of God I’m sure in your patients. That is the work of a true servant of our Lord. Thank you and peace be with you.

    • Michelle Hurwitz

      Amen, Carol.

  16. Blake

    You said in your article,

    “The reversal of my heart and mind, and the dethroning of my bigotry, hate, privilege, and conservatism came solely from being confronted by the true nature of God, the pure message of Jesus, and the revelation of His heart and mind towards all humanity.”

    Would you mind, please, outlining your understanding of the nature of God and how it led you to where you are now?


    • ckratzer

      Thanks for the thoughtful question. In short, God is love and Jesus is Grace. Under Grace, we are all equal. Equally loved, valued, whole, pure, and secured for heaven. When I see God and His Gospel as it truly is I can begin to see people as they truly are, beginning with myself. This revelation is what changed everything for me. Again, this is a very short answer, if you would like to talk by phone or Skype to further discuss, please email me and we can schedule a time. Blessings to you Blake!

      • Blake

        All of our sins are equally covered by the blood of Christ after receiving the grace of God, which comes only through Christ Jesus. We are certainly ALL loved very deeply by the Father who sent His Son to die on the cross for the remission of our sins. We are loved by the Father, and because of that, we are able (and called) to love others as well. Does God oppose sexism? Certainly. Racism? Absolutely. Spiritual arrogance? In James 4:6 it states that, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Christianity does not imply sexism, racism, arrogance, or discrimination.

        You state above,

        “Everyone else’s sin is destined for hell and ours is magically forgiven—thank God we believed the right things, said the right prayers, and made the right changes. ”

        To be sure, we are ALL destined for hell. “There is none righteous, no, not one.” As I stated above, the only remission and forgiveness of ANY sin is through the blood of Christ. For anyone to receive forgiveness, they must accept the gift of God’s grace, and repent. How many times did Jesus say, “Go, and sin no more?”.

        I also said that we are called to love each other as Christ loved us. That said, loving others does not mean that we condone sinful behavior or actions. When we condone sinful behavior and justify it, we minimize the sacrifice of Christ.

      • Michelle Hurwitz


        You said: “God is love and Jesus is Grace. Under Grace, we are all equal. Equally loved, valued, whole, pure, and secured for heaven. When I see God and His Gospel as it truly is I can begin to see people as they truly are, beginning with myself. ”

        How do you figure we are all “secured for heaven”? Does that mean we can do whatever we want and still be sure we’ll end up in the same place? There is nothing about what your are saying the indicates you are seeing God and the Gospel as it truly IS. Seems to me you’re omitting most of it.

        What is the source of your ideas? Do you accept the Holy Bible as the Gospel of the Lord?

        It sort of sounds like your ad libbing your own ideas into some sort of palatable form of idealized worship. You omit so much I’m wondering what even makes you call yourself a “Christian”? This is new age mumbo jumbo with no resemblance of real Christianity.

  17. Sara Stitt

    You made my day. Do you read John Pavlovitz? You seem to be on the same path. God bless you.

    • ckratzer

      I do know of John Pavlovitz and appreciate his writing. Unfortunately, he has been very unkind to me upon my emergence into the writing/blogging world.

    • Michelle Hurwitz

      John Pavlovitz: A wolf in sheep’s clothing.


      • ckratzer

        Michelle, not sure what your intentions were in sharing that link regarding JP. However, let me be perfectly clear. Though I don’t read JP, from what I do know, his writing is solid, similar to mine in theme, and I certainly appreciate his voice. I have never had an issue with the content of his writing, but rather his character as a person. As much as he has been hurtful and publicly undermining of me, I would not consider him to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing nor suggest that people don’t read his work.

        • Perry Mullis

          It looks like we the hurt of another’s presumed right to make judgements of, or & condemnations of righteousness.

          What I said was that I would pray for you, friends, and introduced our life, faith, and bits of relevant history. None of you were there when my partner lost his previous to brain cancer. You weren’t there when I lost my partner of 25 yrs to end-stage kidney & heart disease. You weren’t there when Thomas & I, were on our knees, reaching out to God. You weren’t there during those 2AM see mornings with coffee. “My Thomas,” on the other hand WAS there. “My Thomas” was my inspiration of a desparate hope, when I had none. You don’t know that we, intentionally, live a life of devotion & faith. YOU WERE NOT FUCKING THERE… when I could only see dark and begged MY GOD for an Angel.

          What I did NOT request was any social or religious commentary, nor, judgement of Christian Life. You stick with YOUR OWN journey and don’t worry about mine, nor anyone else’s. If a writer speaks to a particular issue, I have the sense to read it & come to my own conclusions. But, to pre-judge, defame or slander another, writer or not is not entirely “brotherly” and shrouds us from opposing views.

          • Michelle Hurwitz


            I’m sorry for your suffering. I encourage you to seek out the Truth and perhaps you can better come to terms with your pain and anger through real redemption and repentance, which only you (and God) know that means for you. I myself and an advance cancer patient and I know all about being in the throes of despair and suffering. It is by grace of God that I am still alive.

            I’m pretty sure you were reacting to another commenter on here when you projected your personal faith and what you believe is right. I am doing the same in response to you. This is after all a public forum and if you do not want anyone to reply to your comments, you probably should not post to begin with.

            I have the right, just as you do, to declare what I believe to be the truth as well as argue with those who are trying to project false ideals about what Christianity truly is, as I feel the author of this article is doing. It is an offensive to me in many ways as a converted Catholic and as a white, hetrosexual, female who is actually not so privileged (but somehow that does not make me a racist, sexist or homophobic, though predictably may disagree).

            I am not slandering or defaming anyone. I’m sure the author expected opposition to his article and/or statements. Perhaps he even meant to provoke a dialogue? He seems to be holding his own anyways.

        • Michelle Hurwitz

          So do you admit you do not recognize the Holy Bible as being divinely inspired and are in disagreement with it as your counterpart Pavlovitz?

          What are your ideas based on besides yourself? You continually fail to answer that question?

  18. Matt Roll


    Seven years ago when I met my wife I tried to describe my own beliefs to her in a way that she would understand. I wish I had this posting, it is a lot more eloquent than I was.

    Thank you for sharing!

    • ckratzer

      Thanks Matt for reading the article!

  19. Michelle Hurwitz

    It seems to me that in opening yourself up to your idea of “love” and “grace” you have bought into the anything goes culture we live in. It is true that God calls everyone of us to follow Him. His love is neverending and unconditional for all people regardless of who or what they are. To say that being a white, hetrosexual male is shameful is in itself extremely judgemental, racist, and sexist. You seem to imply that there is something wrong with aspects of yourself that you cannot control and act as if you are apologetic for it? Fine to be regretful of you personal actions but why lump in your skin color, sexuality or gender? Having a reverse bigotry does not excuse anyone.

    Furthermore, Jesus was very clear on the following of the ten commandments and additional ones that include a mortal intolerance for certain actions. His words are meant to lead us to eternal joy, rather than to dictate authority. If one chooses not to follow these commands and rather pursue a lifestyle of a sinful nature he/she is only pursuing their own destruction, which offensive to a God who loves us more than we can imagine.

    The possession of a free-will that we are all given puts the responsibility on each one of us to either love Him or love the world. Jesus said explicitly you cannot love both since they are contradictory in nature. It is grace that allows us to Love the sinner, not the sin and encourage a repentant desire.

    • ckratzer

      Michelle, thanks for taking the time to share your reflections and views. Though I disagree with nearly everything you say and sense you missed the intended point of this article entirely, I respect your views and appreciate you taking the time and risk to share them! Thank you!

      • Michelle Hurwitz

        Thanks Chris,

        I understand that my form of Christianity is not the chosen faith of all. We obviously do not share the same understanding. True, I am confused about why you use the terms “white, heterosexual, male” in a regretful way. Just because you possess these characteristics does not automatically make you a jerk. There are bad (and good) people of all colors and orientations. That is not a viable cause for self abasement.

        I am in agreement that we are not to judge others, adding as we are ALL sinners and if we have been forgiven that we must do that same for our neighbors. I guess I am troubled by your lack of desire to address the grace of forgiveness and gift of repentance we are offered through the suffering of Christ. But I detect you don’t recognize such doctrine as repentance and suffering as it may not be a part of your subscribed version of Christian faith.

        God bless your intentions which are clearly good although appear misguided and conflicted. I will pray for you that your self-loathing and dismissal does not lead you in the wrong direction.

    • Ellen Polzien

      Michelle, Chris isn’t saying anything about grace and justification that wasn’t said by Martin Luther centuries ago. The problem with Evangelical Christianity is that it uses the language of the Reformation, but practices the sort of judgmental, legalistic and grace- less distortion of Christianity that Luther fought in the medieval Church. As a professor of mine once noted, as soon as you start adding requirements to the Gospel message of grace, it’s no longer grace. No “grace plus the 10 Commandments.” No “grace plus assuming the gender roles and sexual attitudes of the ancient Mediterranean.” No “grace plus an insistence that the Bible is ‘the inerrant Word of God’” (which is, by the way, an idea not supported by the Bible itself and not held by either Jews or Christians until the fundamentalist movement of the 19th Century).

      Good works are a response to God’s grace, not a prerequisite, and not a divine shakedown necessary for remaining in God’s grace.

      An Evangelical error is what in my religious circle is confusing Law with Gospel and confusing justification with sanctification. Justification is “ saved from what.” Sanctification is “saved for what.” We’re saved to freely love God and serve our neighbors. That’s good news. But it’s not news proclaimed from a lot of Evangelical pulpits.

  20. Revsimcop

    I am a white, heterosexual, Christian as well as being middle aged, middle class and fully abled and a man! How do I live with myself? Because all these things are part of me (but they are not all of me.) I am not ashamed of them. I have absolutely no reason to be ashamed of them. The Spirit of God is in my heart working to take me beyond all these things to be like Christ but my gradual transformation doe not involve a denying of these things that are particular factors that make me who I am. If other white, heterosexual, Christian, middle aged, middle class, fully abled men use any of these factors to assert privilege in any way, that does not invalidate these things and diminish them. It’s the particular problem of those others…not mine!

  21. Rob

    Rather than feeling ashamed, which is useless, become an agent of change, become an example of how we should be.

  22. Myk

    Thank you for writing this. It is exactly who I am and how I feel. I was starting to think I was the only one who thought this way. Thank you.

    • ckratzer

      Myk, so grateful for your comment, you are not alone!

  23. Helen Smeland

    Jesus is love but narrow is the gate. The bible is our complete guide,the word of God. This article picks and chooses out of the word what appears to support the writer. This sounds an awful lot like new age rederick, Not to mention the problem with totally tearing down a governing official ,the president of the United States. The word clearly states we are to obey government officials and police officers ,they have been put there by God himself. I say beware of wolves in sheeps clothing. My friend pull the plank out of your eye. God Bless America!

  24. G Daniel Graham

    Interesting read but rather reductionist. The same way that you realized that your previous feelings about homosexuality for example were oppressive, assumptive, and judgmental; someday you may well see these projections to fall into the same category. There is really no such thing as “White people” other than a category that you have assembled in your mind, assigned attributes, and responsibilities to and hung around the neck of yourself and others. We take our American perspective and transpose it onto the world. People of many skin colors are responsible for the mysoginy that we experience today. People of many skin colors are responsible for slavery or CASTE DISCRIMINATION OR REPRESSION OF HUMAN RIGHTS. DNA tests prove that we are all “muts” and have more in common with others that we think. There is no such thing as group responsibility or group guilt unless you choose to accept it. I am not to be held accountable for the actions of other people and while I feel sorry for the plight of others in this world, neither my skin color nor my feeling about them is the cause. I am however impressed with your ability to take the actions of the President and see within yourself the same human transgressions that live within us all and use his horribly obvious sicknesses to be a better you.

  25. Jessica Merriman

    I as raised in the church.
    I served my state (Oklahoma) 27 years as a Paramedic/Firefighter and off duty from that job as a Deputy Sheriff until being injured in the line of duty and force retired.
    I mowed my elderly neighbors yards, yes plural, every summer without compensation even though my spine was damaged from my on duryninjuries.
    I contributed monetarily and physically to every disaster relief event in my state. The last one two days after gall bladder surgery. I would go home at night and resuture surgical wounds I broke assisting in the tornado relief efforts.
    I raised two great kids who went to college on academic scholarships.
    I have no criminal record, not even a ticket.
    I followed the rules of conduct expected in society.
    I came out as a transgender female and suddenly I was cast out, my life of good deeds and honest, genuine caring meaning nothing. My children were turned against my by the church. I have not seen them in five years now. I lost my faith. I lost my family. I lost everything. I have no hope and no heaven awaits me, only a condemning Hell.

    I thank the author for finding his way past the hypocrisy, privilege and superior attitudes perpetuated by the church. I am glad he has found his faith renewed. I am happy the veil of evil was lifted from his mind and heart. Still, for every one person, like the author, 100 like me are cast out and condemned, our faith destroyed. What about us? Who fights for our souls? Who accepts us for living in truth, versus a lie? No one. We are unworthy of love, compassion, fellowship and every other concept of the church. We are the refuse that Jesus himself fought for, but Christians don’t.

  26. Jack

    White privilege is a myth developed by virtue-signaling folks.
    Please educate yourself;

    • Jessica Merriman

      White privileged a myth?? Surely that was sarcastic. I hope it was anyway. If not you just used it to attempt to debunk it. Ouch! Lol

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