It’s Colonization, All Of It

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It’s colonization, all of it.


It’s not, “pro-life.”

It’s not, “protecting kids in classrooms.”

It’s not, “preserving family values.”

It’s not, “making America great again.”

It’s not, “restoring religious freedom”


No, not even close.

It’s colonization, all of it.


It’s what you do when you have not love.

It’s what you do when you have not Jesus.

It’s the best idea of those whose hearts long only for self, even to the destruction of others.

For colonization is greed wrapped in spiritual justification. It’s the face of evil masked in holiness.

It’s the stealing of what belongs to others and making it your own. It’s the taking of what God created for equality and highjacking it for supremacy. It’s the enslavement of what should be free and hoarding it for elitism. It’s the condemning of all that is divine and beautiful, and shaming it into religion. It’s the forcing of yourself into someone’s life and living, to the point that their life is no longer a life of their own.

It’s greed, selfishness, control, and power plastered with divine lipstick and the gloss of moral urgency. Nothing is good, divine, or worthy about it. Every sin that is sin is involved. Colonization is the fruition of corruption. It’s the wake of evil souls. It’s the manifestation of those who have exchanged love for lordship that they might bulldoze the world.


Fox News colonizing the truth.

Elon Musk colonizing Twitter.

A worship singer colonizing an airplane.

DeSantis colonizing Florida schools and Disney World.

Let’s call it what it is… it’s colonization, all of it.


Republicans colonizing women’s bodies.

Republicans colonizing human sexuality.

Republicans colonizing healthcare.

Republicans colonizing the economy.

Republicans colonizing life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


White Evangelicals colonizing the Bible.

White Evangelicals colonizing Jesus.

White Evangelical men colonizing church and home.

White Evangelicals colonizing libraries.

White Evangelicals colonizing American history.

White Evangelical Christians colonizing everything and anything they can overpower into their submission.


History reveals the dark tale. If they can’t covert you, they will colonize you; if they can’t colonize you, they will crucify you. Sadly, it’s true, all of it.

There is nothing of Jesus, God, love, morality, holiness, or goodness involved. Only insatiable evil, salivating out of colonizing mouths gaping with spiritual depravity.


For when Jesus instructed, “Go make disciples of all nations” the word translated as “disciples” is actually the word “learners.”

Notice He didn’t say, “lorders.” He said, “learners.” 

People learning Jesus-love, Jesus-feeding, Jesus-healthcare, Jesus-economy, Jesus-ranting-against-the-religious.

People learning Jesus-compassion, Jesus-equality, Jesus-generosity, Jesus-human-serving, and Jesus-least-of-these-defending.

For “learners” aren’t colonizers and condemners, “learners” are lovers and servants, just like Jesus. 

If only Christianity had adopted the slogan, “No lords, only learners.” Oh, the world we’d be living in.

Colonization and colonizers have nothing to do with Jesus and everything to do with control, power, and ferocious greed.

It’s colonization, all of it. It’s what they do.


Let’s learn this.

Learn this now, before learning is colonized too.

It’s coming. It’s here. Look around.

Show up, show out. Like never before, the time is now.


“‘So tractable, so peaceable, are these people that I swear to your Majesties there is not in the world a better nation. They love their neighbors as themselves, and their discourse is ever sweet and gentle, and accompanied with a smile; and though it is true that they are naked, yet their manners are decorous and praiseworthy.’ All of this, of course was taken as a sign of weakness, if not hedonism, and Columbus being a righteous European was convinced the people should be ‘made to work, sow and do all that is necessary and to adopt our ways.’ Over the next four centuries (1492-1890) several million Europeans and their descendants undertook to enforce their ways upon the people of the New World.”  

Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee, Dee Brown (pgs 1-2)


It’s colonization, all of it.


Grace is brave. Be brave. 


Check out Chris’ latest book, Stupid Shit Heard In Church available on Amazon (link below)…

What people are saying:

“After reading just a few chapters, I had to schedule an appointment with my therapist, it’s that good.”

“This book is changing  the world.”

“Profound, life-changing; that says it all!”




  1. marc l bergeron

    Indeed. This is a compelling narrative about some stark realities of the big picture of evil couched as “altruistic, well meaning”. Is it any wonder “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” comes to mind?

    • ckratzer

      Marc, well said! Thanks for reading and commenting!

  2. gerri Michels

    Yes. And remember the last days will have much falseness!

  3. Patricia Wolfenden

    So powerful and so true. Prophets were raised up to call out the corruption of those in (false) power. No one’s saying this better.

    • ckratzer

      Thanks Patricia, that’s a huge compliment.

  4. Linda Hardesty

    You’ve probably addressed this elsewhere, or maybe you have a fresh take – how do we call out evil, stand up to bullies, yet not judge? I would love to get some better language for understanding and explaining this issue.

    • ckratzer

      “judging’ and “discernment” are completely different. Judging is to render someone without hope or value. Discernment is sensing something for what it is or means. We can discern behavior, systems etc. without judging. This is critical. Discernment can be falsely accused as being judging, that is a common projection by spiritual abusers.

      • Linda Hardesty

        My problem is discerning, and then falling into hatred. Your ability to avoid that pattern is one of the things enabling you to write. I get inspiration, and then my fear of ridicule and rejection enervate me. I remind myself of the times I have been wrong or naive. That voice tells me, “Maybe you are not the right person to be making these points.” But another voice says, “If there is anything sacred in this world, you should be doing whatever you can to help people change their minds.” Stupid people influence others all the time, and I can be one of them 🙂 I can write what I think and find 5 followers to read it. And I can amplify Chris and others like him. That’s what I want to say to everybody else, too.

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